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LOSB Sculpture Lake-Osceola State Bank, Big Rapids, MI. Sculpture City

LOSB Sculpture Lake-Osceola State Bank, Big Rapids, MI. Sculpture City

LOSB Sculpture Lake-Osceola State Bank, Big Rapids, MI. Sculpture City

LOSB Sculpture Lake-Osceola State Bank, Big Rapids, MI. Sculpture City

LOSB Sculpture Lake-Osceola State Bank, Big Rapids, MI. Sculpture City

LOSB Sculpture Lake-Osceola State Bank, Big Rapids, MI. Sculpture City

LOSB Sculpture Lake-Osceola State Bank, Big Rapids, MI. Sculpture City


LOSB defines the financial institution in different visual terms. All art in my opinion to be successful must dance to different visual tunes. LOSB as a public art statement considers or implies building and support as a human endeavor. Risk often defines change! LOSB as a sculptural statement is an elevation of that risk in creative terms! Is money spiritual? In my work and life opinion I would answer NO! However, by my works design building from the ground up or from limited thought to higher levels of thought is a spiritual journey.

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